KubeCon 2024 Paris second submission


  1. A Complete CNCF Based Tech Stack for a SaaS Business
  2. A Look Inside the Control Room of the Operations of CNCF Based SaaS.
  3. A Look Inside the Control Room, or How To Run a CNCF-Based SaaS When You’re Not Google.
  4. A Look Inside the Control Room, of Running a CNCF-Based SaaS When You’re Not Google.


Join Vadim in this immersive session as he navigates their real world, tech stack that operates a CNCF-based Software as a Service (SaaS) offering. Discover the components of their SaaS technology stack, including insights into cloud provisioning, application runtime, orchestration, deployment strategies, and observability through monitoring and logging across multiple Cloud providers.

Vadim, a seasoned practitioner, will share the decision-making philosophy in guiding technology selection within their current stack, offering a unique perspective and approach, how to make technology decisions if you are not FAANG.

This presentation is an invaluable resource for those seeking practical insights into SaaS operations outside large teams and organizations.

The talk isn't just about showcasing accomplishments; it's a real-life look at the journey, with lessons learned that go beyond the usual tales of success.

This talk serves two valuable lessons, first it should enlighten engineers about how to make decisiosn

as well as those interested in the challenges and lessons learned by a small business in the CNCF ecosystem.